Using Kybella to Banish Unwanted Fat
As you get older, you might commonly worry about the wrinkles forming on your face or the thinning of your hair, but have you considered the extra stores of fat gradually accumulating under your chin? This frustrating phenomenon is formally known as submental fullness, and it impacts men and women alike as they get older. Commonly known as a “double chin”, it was a problem without a solution until Kybella recently became available. If you are struggling with your own double chin, a non-surgical, minimally-invasive Kybella treatment could be your answer.
Why Does Submental Fullness Form?
A double chin starts forming when saggy stores of fat accumulate in your chin and neck area. Water retention, genetic factors, weight gain, and fading muscle tone can all contribute to this problem, and unfortunately, the thinner skin on the chin and neck responds quickly to sagging. As the fat builds up, it has nowhere to go except down, leading to the double chin appearance.
The Science Behind Kybella
Kybella is an FDA approved injectable made of deoxycholic acid that is placed into and under the chin to dissolve extra fat in those areas. Since deoxycholic acid is the same molecule the body naturally produces to break down and absorb fat cells, it works efficiently in the chin and neck area to eat away at unwanted fat cells. Once those fat cells are gone, they cannot come back.
Kybella Results You’ll Want to Flaunt
Kybella works best with multiple injections. Dr. Fernandez at Brickell Cosmetic Center and Spa can help you determine the number of injections that will help you reach your cosmetic goals. Most patients find between two and six treatments of Kybella, each spaced one month apart, deliver the best and longest-lasting results. This is because Kybella works gradually after injection to reduce submental fat and replace it with a sleek, sexy contour. Since these dramatic results can be achieved without any surgery, pain, or downtime, it is worth a try for anybody frustrated with their double chin! Our team in Miami is here to help, so call today to learn more or schedule an appointment online.