What is Nonsurgical Cellulite Reduction?
Cellulite is a common and totally normal feature that can develop in both men and women of all ages and sizes, often on the thighs and butt. At Brickell Cosmetic Center, however, reducing cellulite has never been easier. When it comes to nonsurgical cellulite reduction, we use the Morpheus8 Body™ which has a dual approach by using infrared radio-frequency along with microneedling. Using infrared and radiofrequency energy combined with a pulsed vacuum and massage, we are able to noninvasively and relatively easily reduce and remove cellulite. We offer services to Coconut Grove and Miami Beach, FL and surrounding area patients.
Cellulite Reduction Reviews
What Are the Benefits of Cellulite Reduction?
An individualized cellulite reduction procedure with our state-of-the-art technology can produce outstanding outcomes with considerable advantages, such as:
- Firming lumpy, uneven skin
- Stimulating the creation of new elastin and collagen
- Enhancing skin vibrance, look, and feel
- Attaining a healthier, more youthful skin appearance
- Results are long-lasting
- Nearly no downtime involved
What Can I Expect from My Cellulite Reduction Treatment?
Brickell Cosmetic Center provides nonsurgical cellulite reduction for Miami, FL men and women. Combining radiofrequency (RF), infrared light, massage, and vacuum suction, we are is able to target your troublesome areas to create a smooth and even texture. As we pass the handheld device over your treatment areas, RF and infrared light will target fat cells as rollers massage the skin. The RF and infrared light will break up the fat cells while the massage prompts the body's natural response to get rid of the fat cells. Using vacuum suction, the cellulite will be stretched out, dissipating the dimply appearance of the skin. These simple and effective treatments take about 30 — 40 minutes. Multiple sessions may be necessary to provide the best results.
What is Morpheus Body?
When it comes to cellulite reduction, Morpheus8 Body™ is one of the most cutting-edge technologies available. By utilizing radiofrequency (RF) energy and microneedling, this device is able to eliminate the appearance of cellulite virtually anywhere on the body. Additionally, Morpheus8 Body's "Burst Mode" allows it to penetrate into multiple depths of the skin through one single pulse. This device has proven to be one of the safest and most effective options for reducing pesky areas of unwanted cellulite.
Cellulite reduction FAQs
What causes cellulite?
Cellulite is a common cosmetic problem that can affect a person's legs, hips, and buttocks. Many factors contribute to the development of cellulite in Miami, FL, and not all of them are within our control. These include hormones, heredity, age, lifestyle habits, and certain medical conditions.
How long is a cellulite reduction treatment session?
The length of treatment depends on how many areas we address during a session. Expect cellulite reduction to last 30 - 40 minutes, but you may spend up to an hour in our office. Patients may return for follow-up appointments as needed to reach their cosmetic goals.
How can I enhance my recovery after cellulite reduction?
Brickell Cosmetic Center will provide specific guidelines for post-procedure healing and recovery, including instructions about what to avoid to ensure success. Most patients can return to work after treatment, but strenuous activity should be limited for a short period of time to prevent complications.
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Tight and Smooth
If you shy away from short shorts or don't like the look of your thighs because of cellulite, our services can help you smooth your legs for a tightened and toned appearance at Brickell Cosmetic Center. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, getting rid of cellulite has never been easier! Call our Miami, FL office today to schedule your appointment to reduce cellulite for smoother and younger-looking skin.